10 Things Missing from Cybersecurity
Nov 01, 2022
1. Reframe cybersecurity’s endgame to partner and achieve business objectives (like any competition) - not just data, tech and compliance – frustrating business leaders
2. Sense of achieving personal and professional potential – not burnout, stress and hamster wheel
3. Critical Thinking to challenge internal methods that cause waste & burnout – not forcing frameworks
4. Systems Thinking to fix root causes of complexity and structural flaws that setup cyber pros to fail - not just hide symptoms for a while
5. Design Thinking for method innovation and authentic Zero Trust focused on the protect surface – not costly tools and controls, or losing sleep over threat reports
6. Empower ambitious, brilliant and committed cybersecurity professionals -- like other business functions (ops, R&D, sales, customer service, change mgmt) -- not just techies with certs
7. Methods that enable individuals and diverse, high-performing teams – not typical methods that exacerbate stress, burnout and setup cybersecurity pros to fail
8. Impactful, clear communication with business peers, senior management and board – not cyber gorp that leaves supporters scratching their heads
9. An environment where primarily introvert, techie cybersecurity leaders feel safe and can thrive – not boxing them in with “wrong tools for the job” that crush creativity
10. Cybersecurity leaders setup for praise and recognition from executives and board – not criticism for measures and methods disconnected from the business
This is what we do at Think.Design.Cyber - putting people in the center of cyber – not tech.
The easier path to creating a more rewarding career that moves forward -- not stuck on a hamster wheel – proven and practical for decades – is with #criticalthinking, #systemsthinking for cybersecurity and #designthinking for cybersecurity.
Think.Design.Cyber in partnership with the CyberTheory Institute think tank is here to help. Contact us to discuss how we can help you solve your most pressing problems.
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For more, please see here on LinkedIn, www.thinkdesigncyber.com and visit CyberEd.io to learn about the authentic #ZeroTrust and Design Thinking for Cybersecurity courses coming soon.
As always, to learn more about how act to implement through Outcomes Accelerator Workshops, reach out.